Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, announced that all its logistics vehicles are fully electrified

June 15,  2022

Walmart announced the fleet electrification target. It is expected to complete 100% electrification of the whole fleet in the world by 2040. As the world’s largest retailer, it represents the market of nearly 100000 electric trucks and tractors, waiting to be met.



Australia fires: The huge economic cost of Australia’s bushfires

June 3,2022

Australia is facing a massive bill from unprecedented, deadly fires that have burned an area bigger than Belgium.

Insurers have received claims worth A$240m (£126m ; $165m) since October, and they expect the number will grow significantly.




Businesses send powerful signal to UN on need for legally binding plastic pollution treaty

Jaunary 17, 2022

17 January 2022 – Today more than 70 leading businesses and financial institutions have called for a legally binding UN treaty on plastic pollution in a pre-UNEA statement

The statement is an indictment on the severity of our current plastic crisis, which merits immediate and concerted global efforts that tackle the problem at its root and throughout its lifecycle, in line with the Foundation’s vision for a circular economy for plastics. In the statement, businesses have called for a treaty that



Jaunary 17, 2022

WE CALL FOR AN AMBITIOUS UN TREATY BASED ON A CIRCULAR ECONOMY APPROACH TO ADDRESS PLASTIC POLLUTION ON A GLOBAL SCALE With the backing of almost two thirds of UN Member States, the time has come to start intergovernmental negotiations for a new UN treaty. In 2022, national governments will gather for the resumed session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2), presenting the international community with a unique opportunity to take substantial decisions on plastic pollution.



November 23, 2021

Melalui skema ekonomi sirkular, Paneltech.US (Paneltech) selaku perusahaan teknologi lingkungan joint venture Amerika Serikat dan Taiwan tengah menjajaki investasi pemanfaatan limbah plastik, limbah kayu dan hasil pertanian serta limbah produk garmen dan tekstil yaitu Bio-Fiber Composites (BFC), dan Biodegradable Shellfish Plastic (BSP) untuk diolah menjadi material baru berupa repurposable green materials (RGM). Dengan alokasi mencapai 20% untuk kepentingan nasional melalui Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), produk-produk tersebut juga dapat diaplikasikan untuk peningkatan prasarana pendidikan (school furniture, building materials) maupun prasarana sosial lainnya termasuk dalam pengembangan Ibukota Baru (IKN).


WEEE Centre brings its initiatives global through partnership with PANELTECH

July 19, 2021

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Centre (WEEE Centre) is partnering with waste solutions provider, PANELTECH.US Corp. to foster a circular economy together in Kenya in alignment with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17- Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

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US Firm partners with PACJA to advance circular economy in Africa

June 14, 2021

A US-based waste solutions company, PANELTECH.US Corp has on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding with the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance, Africa’s largest coalition of civil societies advocating for fair and just climate regimes, to help repurpose the massive garbage chocking African cities and villages.

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Waste-solutions Company Partners with Pan African Climate Justice Alliance to Emphasize Environmental Justice

June 13, 2021

In collaboration with PACJA, PANELTECH US. Corp. aims to focus on environmental justice by holding consumers and corporates responsible for their actions.

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Indonesia’s Green Industry Center Welcomes the Green Innovation and Sustainable Solutions Alliance with Waste-solutions Company to Develop Circular EconomyIndonesia’s Green Industry Center Welcomes the Green Innovation and Sustainable Solutions Alliance with Waste-solutions Company to Develop Circular Economy

May 6, 2021

Indonesia’s Green Industry Center is excited to discuss alliance establishment with PANELTECH.US Corp. to support the accelerated implementation of its green economy under innovative solutions.

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PANELTECH and ZeLoop join hands for a better future

April 23, 2021

A wanderlust and a free spirit, the NGO Partnership Manager of PANELTECH U.S., Hong Trinh, is a climate advocate unlike any.

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PANELTECH.US’s Call to Action : Green Education Leads to Social Responsibility & Green-Buying

February 24, 2021

Our living environment is in crisis. Millions of people worldwide are already experiencing the damaging effects of climate change, pollution, rising sea levels, and natural disasters. The impacts of plastic and agricultural waste are particularly detrimental to our living environment.

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PANELTECH.US Releases Wide Applications of Bio-fiber Composite Material with Indonesia’s Agro-industry Sector

February 23, 2021

Bio-solutions Company- PANELTECH.US Corp. Releases Wide Applications of Bio-fiber Composite Material in Collaboration with Indonesia’s Agro-industry Sector

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In Fight Against Carbon Emissions, Bio-solutions Company Turns Waste into Biodegradable Products and Urges Consumer + Corporate Social Responsibility

January 29, 2021

PANELTECH.US, a company that re-engineers bio-waste into clothes, furniture, and building materials urges business and consumers to fight for environmental justice by adopting its consumer + corporate social responsibility (C+CSR) ethos.

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Directorate General Of Agri Industry Explores Possible Cooperation To Boost Circular Economy In Agri Industry Sector

January 26, 2021

The Government of Indonesia encourages sustainable development through a circular economy, where products, raw materials and resources are used to maximum efficiency.

(In Indonesian)

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PANELTECH.US Corp. Releases Its New Biodegradable Bags Designed to Support a Sustainable Future

December 31, 2020

PANELTECH.US Corp., a bio-solutions company based in California and Taiwan, is launching its own line of Biodegradable Shellfish Plastic (BSP) Bags.

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